Aloha! From the beautiful islands of Hawai'i!
Let's say you're planning a trip. A beautifully, Wonderful trip! A warm trip. And its to the islands of Hawaii. Want to be comfortable in the warm, tropical climate? Want to feel like you fit in? Well! The "Aloha Shirt", also known as the "Hawaiian Shirt", is the item you want!
The Aloha Shirt dates to the 1930's, and sources say, received its inspiration from Japanese Kimonos. Today, you will find these shirts as short sleeve, button down, collared shirts. They are worn by both men and women alike, and feature bright colors and bold prints, typically of a floral or island theme print.
These Amazing Aloha Shirts are acceptable attire anywhere on the islands, and anywhere in The States. They offer an "island" feel, no matter if you're on --or off-- an Hawaiian Island. They are the perfect souvenir to bring home from visiting the Hawaiian (or any of the nearby Polynesian) Islands.
But BEWARE! Not all Aloha Shirts are made equally!
THE BEST Aloha Shirts are going to be found ON THE Islands!
When wearing your Aloha shirt on the islands, you want to wear shirts made of natural fibers, not man-made fibers. Natural fibers breathe so much better than synthetic fibers. And on the islands of Hawaii, in the tropical climate, "breathing fibers" is a MUST if you want to stay cool. Look for TRUE Aloha shirts Made In HAWAII. They will likely also by shipped from Hawaii, if you are unable to travel there yourself. However, if you are planning that beautiful trip, set aside a budget and purchase your favorite Aloha Shirt from a verified, quality retailer or supplier. You will not regret it!
Aloha! And enjoy your trip to Hawai'i!

Learn about the History of the Aloha Shirts
Hawaii Guide, Aloha Shirts
The Aloha Shirt, History
Shirt Patterns Online
Melly Sews is a great resource
Wardrobe by Me looks to also have a fantastic shirt pattern
Find Beautiful Aloha Fabrics Online
Hawaiian Fabric has a shop online as well as a "Brick and Mortar" shop in Honolulu
Aloha Outlet online has a wonder selection of Hawaiian Print Fabrics
Want a Read-Made, Off-The-Rack Aloha Shirt? Try the sites below, or Aloha Outlet above
Shaka Time as a nice arrangement of Aloha Shirts
Royal Hawaiian Creations is an excellent brand
Some of my favorite prints and colors I found on Amazon, through the Aloha Outlet. These Aloha Shirts are made with high quality cotton, Made in Hawaii, and are absolutely gorgeous! (Affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate I earn commission on sales.)